Spring membership meeting and Pancake breakfast
The 2025 Spring Membership Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 27th at 10:00 AM. It will be held in the clubhouse at the Chanhassen AutoMotorPlex at 1740 Audubon Rd, Chanhassen, MN.
We will again be serving a pancake breakfast before the meeting! If you can plan to arrive by 9:30 to help Steve and Pam with some breakfast preparation and/or stay afterward to help, put tables and chairs away it would be appreciated.
Thank you to club members Steve and Pam Flaten for arranging our use of the clubhouse and organizing the breakfast!
Please register on the website’s event calendar for this meeting by Wednesday, April 23rd so that we have an idea of how many will be attending for breakfast and room set up planning.
Club Merchandise Directors, John and Kelly Schumacher, will have club clothing and other items available onsite for purchase to help you to get ready and looking sharp for the upcoming driving season. Spring cleaning? Bring any clean, gently used Miata Club merchandise items to the April meeting. There will be a separate swap table set up for members to browse through. All items at the swap table will be free. Any items remaining after the meeting will be donated to charity.
There will be a brief meeting immediately following our business meeting for those participating in the Gary Curtis Driving School event being held on Saturday, May 3rd to review how to prepare for that day.
Please make plans to attend this important Membership Meeting on April 27th!